Armadillo Run Level Solutions

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Level 22 - Croquet

Solution Description Author Score Date
Zilon's solution Pure ownage. $90 left - Definitely cheapest Zilon $90 06/07/2006
Hansie 90 $90 anders Hansie $90 08/01/2007
Alexander's solution 90$ left Alexander $90 20/10/2007
80_PT Saves $80 (Cheapest possible?) Peter Thoman $80 25/05/2006
Alby's solution la spinta viene dall'alto Alby $80 12/04/2007
level 22 70pt similar to level 19 170 pt left Joselete $70 17/06/2006
PK squish 70 kick Peter Kremmer $70 27/08/2006
Vovchik70 Another one! Vovchik $70 23/09/2006
Hendrik 70 An extra kick helps it on its way Hendrik+Gooseh $70 07/05/2007
war's solution simple war $70 24/07/2009
Just From For Fun Editors's solution Another Tweak Just From For Fun Editors $70 26/01/2016
With Flaps Guided Missile BenS $64 30/05/2006
Gerocket simplicity - only balance included Gene $60 24/11/2006
reste 60# 60 pouloute dans la cagnotte SREFREK $60 05/01/2007
ditch the rocket while the rockets away, the armadillo will play abacus $60 27/01/2007
chris simple Sir_dimanGR $60 03/02/2007
nr me's solution cheap nr me $60 18/04/2007
croquet's solution cano's croquet $60 05/06/2007
simple Simplely done only 60 spare though gommage $60 16/10/2007
little flick from the rockets for 40 quid this is quite easy really jakthespak $60 21/06/2009
KOSTYA - 777 Rocket goes left Kostya $54 30/09/2007
gillo52 omnia mea mecum fero capitanomp $52 01/10/2006
lucky method lucky method sam111 $50 14/01/2007
O Crap He he he. Jkeelwd $50 23/02/2007
That technique with metal bars on one line Works now Win_S $50 03/07/2007
Ishi Saves $40 Ishi $40 17/05/2006
Breath dude breath That was so close and it is fun watching it!! alencek13 $40 02/01/2007
sazan's solution 40$ sazan $40 16/01/2007
Cello9213 - So I cheated a bit "So i cheated a bit", I kept that thing up with bars and sent Armadillo under with a metal sheet Cello9213 $40 18/06/2007
Darius-95 $40 left Darius-95 $40 25/01/2009
Lyoko James' Solution This Is How I Did It. What Do You think? :) Lyoko_James $38 27/08/2007
Shadow's Croquet Total mistake, but worked, pretty funny Shadow $30 31/03/2007
psycute Cute and original. Psy-T $30 06/06/2008
Mehrdad's solution   Mehrdad $30 26/09/2009
UNBELIAVABLE SOOO CHEAP Alen_13 $24 31/12/2006
20pt but interesting 20pt left but interesting Nick Brown $20 27/07/2006
LMAO The rocket is not a probleme anymore pout0 $20 09/02/2008
#1 60 dollars. uses potential energy swing. three pieces of metal =) not cheapest but very technical deeds $10 07/11/2006
driver put Driver put Ture $10 24/01/2008
COOL! Good Idea! Ryan Parsons! $10 22/09/2008
sparrow using rocket as a taxi 8) sparrow $8 14/03/2008
4 dollar volt 4 Dollar left, paddle Volture $4 06/08/2008
jack croquet easy really jack $0 09/08/2006
scaffolding destructive and expensive yo51 $0 12/09/2006
MY SOLUTION Mediocre David Guz $0 30/12/2006
MIghe's solution   MIghe $0 09/01/2007
exploding rocket the rocket explodes lol pout0 $-1120 09/02/2008
ah what fun rockets can be first attemp at makin a cool 1 ian $-4268 01/12/2006
Perfect_Rockets Only rockets and destruction (blows budget big time) East $-14900 29/06/2006