Click on the level name to view all solutions for that level. To download a level solution, click on the solution name and save it in the 'Levels' folder (click on [Open levels folder] on the main menu to get to it), or if you're playing the game with a profile other than the default one then put them in the Levels/ProfileName folder. You will then be able to watch the solution after choosing the 'Start game' option from the main menu.
Solution | Description | Author | Score | Date |
Hansie 442 | for me 4 | Hansie | $442 | 05/09/2007 |
JNcn_436 | ^o^___so old the level~~~ | JNcn | $436 | 24/06/2007 |
Hansie 432 | for me 4 | Hansie | $432 | 15/05/2007 |
zx_432 | o(กษ_กษ)o... | zx | $432 | 24/04/2008 |
JNcn_430 | ^o^ | JNcn | $430 | 20/10/2006 |
JNcn_426 | ^o^ | JNcn | $426 | 20/10/2006 |
422 | :) | RYO | $422 | 19/10/2006 |
moon shot | good | DH | $366 | 08/01/2007 |
JNcn_356 | ^o^ | JNcn | $356 | 19/10/2006 |
JNcn_342 | ^o^ | JNcn | $342 | 19/10/2006 |
4u 4 BMW | Only NO FORCE solutions in the set | BMW | $230 | 20/10/2006 |
JNcn_192 | ^o^_____quick solution,finging cheaper method | JNcn | $192 | 19/10/2006 |