Click on the level name to view all solutions for that level. To download a level solution, click on the solution name and save it in the 'Levels' folder (click on [Open levels folder] on the main menu to get to it), or if you're playing the game with a profile other than the default one then put them in the Levels/ProfileName folder. You will then be able to watch the solution after choosing the 'Start game' option from the main menu.
Solution | Description | Author | ![]() |
Date |
JNcn_574 | ^o^___tweak | JNcn | $574 | 24/06/2007 |
SuperRecordJump | finalmente in cima alla lista! | Alby | $570 | 23/04/2007 |
Toa - 560 | Give it to me!!!! | Toa the Boa | $560 | 16/07/2006 |
Pappa, endelig | 560 left, elegant solution! | Baard Nilsen | $560 | 27/12/2006 |
Record jump | Alby | $560 | 29/03/2007 | |
LixX's solution | truk de ouf | LixX | $560 | 13/05/2007 |
Justin K's solution | Saves 2 more dollars. Woot! | Justin K. | $550 | 06/06/2006 |
tweak tweak by SiCk)) | tweaked timokahala's tweak =)) | SiCk! | $550 | 10/06/2006 |
Guto's solution | VIva a mija | Guto | $550 | 13/12/2006 |
Scott's df | Dark force 550 | S2H | $550 | 20/12/2006 |
Bumerdes 40-4 | Landing area | Bumerdes | $550 | 25/01/2007 |
timohakala | ...but this one is even cheaper ;) 548$ left | Timo Hakala | $548 | 25/05/2006 |
Tyler's solution | Gay Force | Tyler | $544 | 02/08/2006 |
the best one ever | SIMPLE, NO CHEATS!!! JUST USING YOUR BRAIN | Steven A | $540 | 07/12/2008 |
Rocket Assist | $530 left | BenS | $530 | 08/06/2006 |
Robert Garford | Another one of my great levels. (Scoff scoff) No seriously this is cheap | Rob Garford | $528 | 22/05/2006 |
saperlipopette | NO rocket | Bardabu | $510 | 10/01/2007 |
Galerus - 510 | Just a little of iron | Galerus | $510 | 24/03/2007 |
matteo | Colpo di coda | Matteo | $510 | 06/02/2008 |
rubberjump | One block, to pwn the level | Feabag | $500 | 22/10/2006 |
LittleMikey-500 | $500 left, average solution | LittleMikey | $500 | 06/03/2007 |
Tailwhip | Awesome rocket controlled ball | BioDroid and David | $480 | 10/07/2006 |
rocket surf | surfing on rocket | gatti.gatozza | $470 | 09/02/2007 |
Killa's Solution | Improvment of xyNiee's solution | Killa | $460 | 17/11/2006 |
Rob1 | A bounce and a smack | Me | $444 | 25/05/2010 |
xyNiee | Ramp - Probably needs some finetuning to save some more money | xyNiee | $430 | 02/09/2006 |
gillo430 | omnia mea mecum fero | capitanomp | $430 | 21/10/2006 |
402 - layup | Terrible score, but when I saw this rocket layup I just had to share. | ToddB | $402 | 30/05/2006 |
THE TRUE SELF-DESTRUCT XIA99999999 | the true self-distruct ahaha | gaoxia | $364 | 11/04/2007 |
Double rampy keepy uppy | Well I liked it | Maffy Ooh | $350 | 02/10/2006 |
Cello9213 - Bad ramp, pure rocket paddle | The pathetic ramp falls to pieces but the rocket manages to flip around and save the day | Cello9213 | $338 | 18/06/2007 |
bd | bd | bd | $334 | 06/12/2008 |
grandioso | Colpo di tacco col razzo :-) | Mambro | $330 | 04/03/2007 |
Jha ji's solution | isn't it rocket jump??? | Jha ji | $320 | 25/10/2006 |
Seth's Solution | Rocket Slap! | Seth | $320 | 26/11/2006 |
I fluked it! | Bit lucky | Shiner | $284 | 09/10/2006 |
Balancing Act | Balancing on the Rocket (Not Cheap) | Mylakovich | $276 | 24/07/2006 |
With Bridge | I have build a bridge and have not use the rocket (Please delete the 236 $ solution) | Georbe | $276 | 02/04/2007 |
high kick | high kick | Eran a.k.a pass | $274 | 05/10/2006 |
shahab's solution | shahab | shahab | $246 | 11/12/2009 |
Arezzo's solution | Arezzo | $240 | 24/05/2007 | |
Incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Two touch with the rocket | Thames | $238 | 06/11/2008 |
Georbe's solution | I have build a bridge and have not use the rocket | Georbe | $236 | 02/04/2007 |
Just From For Fun Editors's solution | Expensive | Just From For Fun Editors | $232 | 26/01/2016 |
mlepage - rocket sled jump | The interesting thing here is I caught the armadillo AND the rocket. | mlepage | $230 | 25/11/2006 |
Ridiculous solution | Most Improbable solution ever | Andrew | $228 | 11/09/2007 |
Jonnerz | Based on luke B's solution | Jonnerz | $226 | 30/07/2006 |
No jumping6 | Solution that involves some serious destruction | BioDroid | $214 | 05/07/2006 |
fine thing | fine thing | Gonzalo | $206 | 05/09/2006 |
bx's solution | bx | $196 | 17/09/2010 | |
No jumping2 | One piece rubber and one piece cloth thank you. | BioDroid | $148 | 05/07/2006 |
JumpAndKick | A jump and a tail kick | XanthViper | $140 | 12/02/2008 |
Level 40 - Rocket Jumb by lele | Cool, use the rocket as a lift:-) | Lele | $136 | 02/05/2007 |
kind of pool | just ..... | Rusl | $128 | 20/08/2006 |
Luke B's solution | i aint gonna jump if i dont wanna | Luke B | $118 | 30/06/2006 |
Lucky Rocket | a funny shot | fyh | $90 | 04/02/2007 |
vincentsico's solution | Look at That | vincentsico | $72 | 30/09/2006 |
Through The Wall | Got lazy and decided to go through the wall. | Dilt | $56 | 31/10/2006 |
rocketless | Keeping the rocket out of it | Ture | $10 | 24/01/2008 |
Mighe's solution | Mighe | $8 | 10/01/2007 | |
expensiveButIncredible | You'll get a kick out of this one. I use the rocket to blast a whole in the wall. | Kevin P. | $4 | 22/10/2006 |
Costliest but funnest ) | Possibly the costliest but definitelly the funnest!!! :) | AASoft | $-27260 | 26/09/2006 |
AkMe09 | The rocket war!! | AkMe:. | $-44700 | 15/03/2007 |
Rocketsss | Name Says It All! | R. Crazy | $-71716 | 25/12/2006 |
LukeH's solution | DESTRUCTION IS THE ONLY WAY! MUHAHAHA | LukeH | $-169760 | 14/11/2006 |