Click on the level name to view all solutions for that level. To download a level solution, click on the solution name and save it in the 'Levels' folder (click on [Open levels folder] on the main menu to get to it), or if you're playing the game with a profile other than the default one then put them in the Levels/ProfileName folder. You will then be able to watch the solution after choosing the 'Start game' option from the main menu.
Solution | Description | Author | ![]() |
Date |
1110 | This one is legit | Paul Hudak | $1110 | 19/07/2006 |
Collapse | Real | ZheroX | $1110 | 26/11/2008 |
Flatseths wrath - the corect one | Sorry - The 1110 must be delited - its not real(yet) | Ørjan Flatseth | $1104 | 19/07/2006 |
catapulta-2 | muro scavalcato! | Alby | $1102 | 16/04/2007 |
funeral's solution | 1102 | funeral | $1102 | 28/08/2010 |
jotun1100 | Improvement of my 1090 - 1 plate, 3 bars | jotun | $1100 | 14/07/2006 |
slam | Forced slam :P | BioDroid | $1100 | 23/07/2006 |
SuperAR's solution | Didnt think it would work on its own but did | SuperAR | $1100 | 18/06/2007 |
Redken | Just one flipper | Redken | $1100 | 06/09/2007 |
ioReaper's solution | ioReaper | $1100 | 03/05/2010 | |
Flatseth the adorable | show must go on... | Ørjan Flatseth | $1094 | 18/07/2006 |
jasper kusee | on se kiva. :DD LUUSERI!! <-- Mr. Alderille | conny cocc | $1094 | 17/03/2007 |
nubi | Very good one | nubi | $1094 | 10/07/2007 |
joo | Jerry Alder | $1092 | 28/02/2007 | |
jotun1090 | A different way of breaking the wall | jotun | $1090 | 14/07/2006 |
Level 38 - 1090 - I Hate The Force | The name says it all. I hate the force. Best solution without using glitches so far. | Arch | $1090 | 06/02/2007 |
super cheap | cheapness on first go ;) | woodmaister | $1084 | 20/11/2006 |
Quintinon | Uploaded the wrong one on the other one ... | Quintinon | $1080 | 06/07/2006 |
fisheye's solution | fisheye | $1078 | 28/08/2006 | |
1070 | $1070. Wall? What wall? This method can likely be further tweaked too. | Todd Berkebile | $1070 | 01/06/2006 |
Cello9213 - oooo, force | Another attempt to use force, it works pretty well. | Cello9213 | $1070 | 18/06/2007 |
38-3 | springboard | Bumerdes | $1054 | 25/01/2007 |
1 | DZHEen | $1050 | 03/04/2009 | |
1024 | Crude, but works | Noone you know | $1024 | 31/07/2007 |
Luke | I did this using Ørjan Flatseths solution as a starter | LukeH | $1010 | 14/11/2006 |
996_PT | $996 - Shows that rubber cannons are not always the cheapest possibility. | Peter Thoman | $996 | 30/05/2006 |
Georbe's solution | Pushing with the trigger | Georbe | $990 | 02/04/2007 |
950 | Cheapest rubber solution | FFT | $950 | 15/06/2006 |
One Shot Wonder | Hole in one. Literally. | Power Paul | $950 | 09/04/2007 |
Miro-PL | Rubbershot :) | Miro | $950 | 19/08/2007 |
lob | Lob goal | Ture | $950 | 24/01/2008 |
David ns1's solution | good | David ns1 | $950 | 14/10/2010 |
940BWall | Suprisingly Simple Wall Solution, leaving a whole $940 to play with! | The_B | $940 | 31/05/2006 |
fox's solution | jump | fox | $940 | 08/09/2009 |
gillo930 | omnia mea mecum fero _DARK FORCE 4 LOSERS_ | capitanomp | $930 | 18/10/2006 |
930 rubber steel plate solution without THE FORCE | $930 solution. Steel plate & rubber. Without THE FORCE | fixedmachine | $930 | 14/08/2007 |
NEJC | A PRETTY SWEET SOLUTION!! | Nejc Korosec (SLOVENIA) | $928 | 25/09/2006 |
Skumball's solution | Shove it | Skumball | $920 | 22/09/2006 |
Grgur | SRBIJA!!! | Grgur | $920 | 31/12/2006 |
ALejandra's solution | $920 | ALejandra | $920 | 20/03/2007 |
CNPCCEI | CNPCCEI | CNPCCEI | $920 | 13/08/2010 |
Just From For Fun Editors's solution | Over And Under | Just From For Fun Editors | $920 | 26/01/2016 |
Vissticks_910 | Rubberlaunch over the wall =D | Vissticks | $910 | 16/07/2007 |
vorgo hera | Rubber - cloth | Vorgo&Hera | $890 | 05/01/2008 |
MODIFLY-BRING DOWN THE WALL | Not cheap but real funny and works well - Well timed also! | M o D i F | Y | $880 | 01/07/2007 |
Antonio Eguibar's solution | Este es facil | Antonio Eguibar | $870 | 31/03/2007 |
LittleMikey 840 | A basic solution :) | LittleMikey | $840 | 06/03/2007 |
Mighe's solution | Mighe | $830 | 10/01/2007 | |
[L4F]LupinIII's solution | Rubber and ramp | [L4F]LupinIII | $830 | 01/05/2008 |
Solver | No Cheat | ManDay | $826 | 23/10/2007 |
Panagiotis's solution | Level 38 | Panagiotis | $800 | 31/12/2007 |
Quintinon Doing the wall | Just tweaked the 1080 idea ... | Quintinon | $750 | 06/07/2006 |
Mike | Rubber | Mike | $750 | 18/03/2007 |
san08's solution | easy.. | san08 | $750 | 11/09/2008 |
Nice2Beat - Asaf | lovely cloth | Nice2Beat - Asaf | $736 | 02/10/2006 |
cheap and easy | It was too easy | Bob | $730 | 21/04/2008 |
Luke B's solution | A rubbery push up a ramp. | Luke B | $720 | 30/06/2006 |
cloth | Uses only cloth | Eric Vaughen | $718 | 15/07/2006 |
HazZZZa | Very well done but not the cheapest. Used the force and timings | HazZZZa | $672 | 19/05/2007 |
So Evil | A little destructive | Ben R. | $666 | 23/06/2006 |
666apult | $666 left over by pure coincidence | KiwiMango | $666 | 27/07/2006 |
llama's solution | i love the rubber | llama | $666 | 10/09/2007 |
Joshua wall | Bounce | Joshua Menezes | $650 | 08/12/2007 |
elevator | climb up! ^-^ | Crawler | $604 | 18/12/2006 |
leve 38 tolik | Viva Ukraine! Haven't seen this solution before | Babich Anatoliy | $602 | 14/01/2008 |
DaveKan576 | Works, but needs tweaking | DaveKan | $576 | 12/10/2006 |
trix and the great ball of destiny | terramorphing (not cheap but brutally effective) | Otto L | $562 | 02/08/2007 |
Pietro88's solution | ;) | Pietro88 | $520 | 28/06/2007 |
sx | Rubber Rox! | Rizzo | $492 | 10/08/2006 |
parma's solution | nice | parma | $476 | 10/06/2010 |
pillow's solution rocket | Solved with a single rocket | pillow | $150 | 16/09/2006 |
1 rocket | Just as the name says... | smileyrandom | $150 | 03/02/2007 |
boya | The flip, one rocket and nothing else | Noa - | $150 | 24/08/2007 |
facilimo | mt easy | BatistA | $106 | 25/11/2007 |
Giovalesto's solution | rocket luncher! | Giovalesto | $90 | 06/09/2006 |
Sky Diving | The rocket takes Armadillo sky diving. : P | Deathfire234 | $78 | 21/03/2008 |
another destrauction | just .... | Rusl | $68 | 20/08/2006 |
fly-wall | fly over, saves only $50 | Toriano | $50 | 30/05/2006 |
FIRST TIME WONERS!!!! | im a n00b at this game and look at my first time | bilza bobby gary jones cyril | $50 | 06/04/2007 |
shahab's solution | shahab | shahab | $8 | 11/12/2009 |
ozan's solution | +4 xD | ozan | $4 | 29/01/2009 |
solution | Nice solution for this level, cool but NO money left. | Davor V. | $0 | 02/07/2007 |
Tie Down | A rather cleverrocket catching system is used | Tainted Deity | $0 | 18/07/2007 |
rocket bag | over budget but fun | digi | $-178 | 01/09/2006 |
VOHAHAHA | Dark forces everywhere! | Buratina | $-662 | 30/10/2006 |
Rocket Attack | More Rocketssss!! | R. Crazy | $-9284 | 25/12/2006 |
LukeH's solution | HURRAY FOR DESTRUCTION! MUHAHAHAHA! | LukeH | $-47850 | 14/11/2006 |
JADZ implosion | OMG | James Davis | $-153850 | 13/02/2007 |
JADZ implosion mod! | Better version of "Implosion" | Miha | $-153990 | 04/04/2007 |