Click on the level name to view all solutions for that level. To download a level solution, click on the solution name and save it in the 'Levels' folder (click on [Open levels folder] on the main menu to get to it), or if you're playing the game with a profile other than the default one then put them in the Levels/ProfileName folder. You will then be able to watch the solution after choosing the 'Start game' option from the main menu.
Solution | Description | Author | ![]() |
Date |
148-NickyNick-SimpleTweak | Tiny & obvious tweak | NickyNick | $148 | 10/11/2007 |
Qwerty-146 | ;-) | Qwerty | $146 | 17/02/2007 |
McKack - 144 | Started out with metal sheets everywhere and tweaked it down to this in the end. | McKack | $144 | 18/06/2006 |
reste 140# | Trop fort!!! | SREFREK | $140 | 06/01/2007 |
Brian (31) 132 | $132 left. Not a very robust solution, but.... | Brian | $132 | 10/06/2006 |
128 JH+BenS | $128. A tweak of BenS's tweak of mine :) | Jonny Henderson | $128 | 04/06/2006 |
v2 | Anouther end | VesoC | $128 | 05/01/2007 |
Slava's solution | Hill 2 | Slava | $124 | 12/04/2007 |
asdfasdf's solution | asdfsad | asdfasdf | $124 | 12/04/2007 |
116 JH | $116 left. Just three ropes, two cloths and one metal sheet. | Jonny Henderson | $116 | 04/06/2006 |
's solution | ÿ | ÿ | $116 | 19/03/2007 |
BenS's Solution | Approaches slowly and whips it around the end, $112 left | BenS | $112 | 04/06/2006 |
Kam's solution | not the cheapest | Kam | $108 | 27/11/2006 |
toppare's solution | fast and easy | toppare | $108 | 15/03/2009 |
Dark Lenne's solution | Simple way to do this | Dark Lenne | $90 | 26/08/2006 |
abolghasem hamidreza's solution | somewhat normal! | abolghasem & hamidreza | $90 | 08/01/2010 |
pg13's solution | first try | pg13 | $88 | 24/01/2010 |
FaTaL84 | from the Hill1 ;) | FaTaL aka MikE | $84 | 16/11/2006 |
DonnyTroubles Solution | one way of doing it :) | Donny Trouble | $82 | 09/08/2006 |
YodaSolution | Simple... Una canoa :O UNICA BAJALA!!! | YODA | $80 | 17/07/2008 |
mlepage - rope rocket | Simple sled using a lot of rope and cloth | mlepage | $76 | 25/11/2006 |
Navid Zamani's solution | Nice stopper/lifter combination | Navid Zamani | $72 | 14/12/2006 |
Rocket Bag | A bag attached to a rocket | d3fin3d | $68 | 27/02/2007 |
kmaro solution | Safe landing :)... | kmaro | $66 | 22/02/2008 |
Mighe's solution | Mighe | $64 | 10/01/2007 | |
Geo 64 | 64$ | Geo | $64 | 30/01/2007 |
NimaD's solution | Simply | Nima.D | $62 | 24/10/2009 |
simplehill | just a simple way to stop it | Vert | $60 | 28/05/2006 |
Oracus Solution | Expensive but original. | Oracus | $58 | 01/09/2006 |
Xedin's solution | Just my solution | Xedin | $52 | 22/10/2007 |
Randy | armadillo hops up | RR | $46 | 10/11/2006 |
stop | Hard to stop | Ture | $46 | 24/01/2008 |
TheGoatMan | Level 31, Hill 2 $36 left over | TheGoatMan | $36 | 28/05/2006 |
McKack's solution | McKack | $32 | 15/01/2007 | |
Mehrdad's solution | Mehrdad | $32 | 27/09/2009 | |
Antonio Eguibar's solution | Dificil de parar | Antonio Eguibar | $30 | 31/03/2007 |
Carmi Inbar's solution | Israeli Engineer humbles an Aussie | Carmi Inbar | $24 | 12/01/2007 |
marin's solution | marin | $16 | 03/03/2007 | |
Just From For Fun Editors's solution | Ah. I Finally Completed This Level. | Just From For Fun Editors | $16 | 26/01/2016 |
Cello9213 - Crazy cool contraption! | Definitely not cheap, but it's very cool - flips Armadillo into the portal and flies away. | Cello9213 | $14 | 18/06/2007 |
lucky_version | too expensive, but looks cool. | monkeeeh | $12 | 13/08/2006 |
different solution lol | 100% original | TheMax | $10 | 23/07/2006 |
lzx | Solution | Luzhixing | $10 | 07/07/2007 |
Vovchik | Another one! | Vovchik | $0 | 23/09/2006 |
NightRider's solution | no money left but looks AWESOME! | NightRider | $0 | 25/10/2006 |
AHMADNIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | VOOOOOOOOOV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | AHMAD | $-18 | 10/04/2012 |